Line Locating in the Peace Region

Line Locating in the Peace Region

Starting a line locating business has been a desire for our family for many years, as years of experience in the Alberta and B.C. oilfields and for Alberta One-Calls have inspired us to want to provide exceptional line locating services in such a vital Northern Alberta industry.

The oilfield in Alberta has had its ups and downs over the past few years, but our dedication as a family to this industry in the Peace Region has never wavered. The importance of providing excellent line locating services has always remained essential, whether through private locating services or oilfield locating services, as the safety of those performing ground disturbance is of vital importance.

When our family moved from Newfoundland to Northern Alberta in 2012, it was out of a desire to see greater opportunity and success for each family member in all areas of life, but more specifically in the economic field. This dedication to pursuing greater economic opportunity has catapulted our family into establishing a line locating business that provides not only efficient and effective locating, but competitive rates available for oilfield companies and landowners alike.

There are many experienced line locating companies in the area, many of which our company has a positive relationship with. Competition and community provide our business with avenues for success in such a – typically – cutthroat-type industry. Partnerships, communication, flexibility, and a desire to get the job done all pave the way for our company to complete jobs at a high performance standard.

We look forward to serving the Peace Region with an integral service, in the oilfield and the yards of homeowners alike. We desire for our commitment to business integrity and efficient line locating to help the oil and gas industry in Northern Alberta and B.C. to continue to graduate from surviving to thriving, and to provide homeowners with a local and family-owned locating services option.

Thank-you for taking the time to read about the motivation behind our family business and our commitment to excellence. We look forward to serving you in the near future!